The Fall | Mothers

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Introduction: Isaiah 62:1-3,4   “Beulah Land

In celebration of Mother’s Day, Randy examines the creation story (Gen 2-3) with a view toward understanding what mankind lost in The Fall. The earth as originally created was “good” and “very good” and man stood as God’s representative over all the creation. As a result of the Fall, God cursed Satan and the earth, but did not curse Adam and Eve. He gave them hope by promising a descendant (the “seed of the woman”) that would take away their iniquity, and assigned them toil to thereafter occupy them, and their descendants, in the earth. Men would thereafter suffer through their work to provide food for their families, and women would suffer in childbearing and in raising children. While difficult to bear, some of the greatest blessings God gives His people come through these toils. Mothers in particular love their children and suffer anguish of heart when their children, no matter how old, are in pain (Luke 2). The love of a Mother is an expression of God’s love, and demonstrates God’s love for all His children (Isa 66:13).