Randy McCarthy
In this sermon, Randy discusses the judgments of God. The bible defines judgment as the rain: as God supplies the rain needed for grass, trees and other vegetation in the natural realm, God also supplies that which is needful (judgment) in the moral realm. Randy explores Psalm 94 where the writer calls upon the Lord as the “judge of all the earth” to come and execute judgment against the wicked as a necessary remedy to the injustice which the writer observes around him. Randy shows how the creation story demonstrates there is something innate in the nature of man to desire judgment, but as a result of our fall into sinfulness, our own perception of true judgment is often flawed. This leads to self-righteousness, which is a point of view in which we view ourselves, rather than God, as the source of true judgment. Randy explores the various ways in which God executes judgment both in this world and in the next to teach His people true judgment.
Bill McCarthy – Closing Comments
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