Allen Daniels
Brother Allen began his message by reading the words of Hymn #45 in PBH (“Meditations”) and commenting on the message and giving his personal experience with the song.
Text: Psalms 62 and and 63
God has been my refuge daily,
God has been my hiding place,
He will ever lead me onward,
He will take me home at last.
He knows all my joys and sorrows,
He knows all my trials and cares,
He knows all my sins and errors,
Yet for me He daily cares.
He has taught my heart to love Him,
While He found me deep in sin,
Yet He love me long before then,
E’en before the world began.
All my days I want to serve Him,
He has been so good to me,
Ev’ry day shall be to serve Him,
Long as breath remains in me.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 45:00 — 12.7MB)