Sermons from our sister churches

Randy McCarthy [Tuttle Annual Meeting-2013]

randyMc_1_cropElder Randy McCarthy

Tuttle Annual Meeting –  2013
April 12, Friday Evening.  2nd Ministertut-logo


Dennis Kreie [Tuttle Annual Meeting-2013]

d-kreieElder Dennis Kreie

Tuttle Annual Meeting –  2013
April 12, Friday Evening.  1st Minister


Who is Worthy?

jr-rakesElder J. R. Rakes

Who is Worthy?

Text:  Matthew 10:5-15

 [Recording Date Unkown / dubbed 02/15/2013]

Guy Parks

g-parksElder Guy Parks

Taking The Grave  Clothes Off

Text:  John 11

 (Recording date unknown / dubbed 02/15/2013)

The Naked Prophet

Bill McCarthy

Text: Isaiah 20:1-4
Scriptural References: Hebrews 4:13; Psalms 130:3; Isaiah 49:1; Gen 1:25; Gen 3:9-11; Joshua 4:5–7; Hosea 1:2-3; Hosea 2:1-3; Hosea 2:16-19; Job 1:21



Recorded: August 12, 2004 in Canton,GA
Little River Association

Where will you spend Eternity?

Lonnie Mozingo, Sr.

Source: (noise filtered)
February 17, 1995  (Little Union)


Jesus’ First Sermon

jr-rakesElder J. R. Rakes

Jesus’ First Sermon

Recorded August 5, 1986 in Andrews,TX

Guy Parks

g-parksElder Guy Parks

The Walls Of Jericho

 Recorded August 5, 1986 in Andrews,TX

J.P. Dale

The Purposes Of The Advent Of Christ

 Recorded August 1, 1986

Guy Parks

g-parksElder Guy Parks

He Could Not Be Hid

 Recorded August 1, 1986