God’s Providential Care for His People

Randy McCarthy read from the book of Ezekiel (chapters 1,4 & 11) and spoke about God’s Providential Care for His People.
Allen Daniels gave closing comments.

God's Providential Care, Ezekiel, Idolatry


Psalm 89

Allen Daniels read from Psalm 89 and spoke on Mercy and various other topics referenced in the chapter.

Psalm 89


Idolatry and Hidden Sin

Randy McCarthy read from Ezekiel chapter 8 and spoke on Idolatry and Hidden Sin.

Idolatry, Sin


Idolatry | Persevering through Tragedy

Randy McCarthy read from Psalm 19 and spoke on Idolatry.

Mark Hasenmyer read from 1-Samuel chapter 22 and spoke on Persevering through Tragedy.

Idolatry, Perservering through Tragedy


The Right Hand of God

Allen Daniels spoke about The Right Hand of God.

The Right Hand of God


Judgement | Dealing with Traumatic Events

Allen Daniels read from Deuteronomy chapter 32 and Hebrews chapter 9 and spoke on Judgement.

Randy McCarthy read from Amos chapter 1 and spoke on Dealing with Traumatic Events.

Judgement, Dealing with Traumatic Events


The Comforter

Allen Daniels followed up on last week’s message by Elder Wattenbarger and spoke about The Comforter.

The Comforter


The Temptation of Christ | The Comforter

Randy McCarthy spoke about The Temptation of Christ.

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about The Comforter (The Holy Spirit of God).

The Temptation of Christ, The Comforter


Who am I? How did I get here? Where am I going?

Allen Daniels opened services reading from Ephesians 1:1-10 and spoke on the Elect’s position “In Christ” answering these three questions: “Who am I?  How did I get here?  Where am I going?”

Brother Allen, prior to reading from Ephesians, read the following quote:

Søren (Kick-key-guard) Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

(a 17th Century Danish philosopher, theologian, and poet)

“Where am I? Who am I?
How did I come to be here?
What is this thing called the world?
How did I come into the world?
Why was I not consulted?
And If I am compelled to take part in it,

Where is the director?

I want to see him.”


Election, Predestination

Parables [Candle / Growing Seed] | Finding Light in a Dark World

Randy McCarthy read from Mark Chapter 4 (Mark 4:21-29) about The Parable of the Candle and The Parable of the Growing Seed.

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about the trials of Paul and Finding Light in a Dark World.

More Parables, Finding Light in a Dark World