
Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Matthew chapter 7 (Matt 7:24-29)




Allen Daniels spoke about witnessing. (Hebrews chapter 12)

Love, Fear, and Betrayal

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from 2nd Timothy chapter 3 (2Tim 3:14-17)in reference to the nature of the word of God.

Mark Wagner introduced services.

Mark Wattenbarger spoke on Love, Fear, Betrayal

What does it mean to be Godly?

Randy McCarthy




Allen Daniels

Christmas Day – The Wise Men

Allen Daniels introduced services reading from Isaiah Chapter 42 (Isa. 42: 1-14)

Keith West spoke on the topic of trusting in the Lord in the time of tribulations.




Mark Wattenbarger continued in the book of Isaiah (Isa. 42:22-25) on the prophecy of the birth of Jesus.  He continued in the New Testament focusing on the arrival of the wise men following the star in the east.

Birth of Christ, Offerings

Randy opened services discussing the Christmas season.

Brother Mark Wagner introduced services reading from Collosians (Col 2:6)

Randy McCarthy read from Luke Chapter 2 about the birth of Christ in relation to the various types of offerings.

King of Glory

Allen Daniels opened serviced reading the 96th Psalm

Randy McCarthy discussed the Christmas story (Luke 2) in relation to the King of Glory.




Allen Daniels closed services commenting on the hymn “Bliss of the Purified .. Mighty to Save”

Resist the Devil and he will flee from you

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy




mark w-new_hcMark Wattenbarger


allen d-newAllen Daniels

Soldiers and Judges

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Ordinances / Communion Message

allen d-newAllen Daniels preached about Ordinances




randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy gave the communion message.