
markwMark Wattenbarger

While liberty is precious, the liberty we have in Christ is the most precious of all. We have been freed from the law of sin and death and made free from our bondage to sin through the effectual work of Jesus. Bro Mark recounts the quotation of Jesus from Isaiah 61:1,

“For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to…proclaim liberty to the captives….”

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Elder Randy continues with the subject of liberty.  He then focuses on “The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard” [Matt 20:1-16], Job, and the equality/fairness of God.


Randy – Revelation from God

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

In this sermon, Randy examines the first chapter of Romans with a focus upon the revelation of God. Paul shows that there are certain things that all humans know about God, because He has revealed these things to them externally through the natural universe and internally by their conscience and sense of right and wrong. Through this natural revelation God shows both His power and authority; all of us ultimately know deep-down that there is a God, He is the Creator and Judge, and we are morally accountable to him. Paul also shows that all of us, in our Adamic nature, naturally suppress this knowledge, hate God and rightfully stand condemned by God. The special revelation of God, however, which is the Gospel of His Dear Son, reveals the righteousness of God by extending His mercy and love upon His covenant people, both Jews and Gentiles. The Gospel is the declaration of God received through faith by those who have been regenerated by His Spirit.  We now have peace with God and stand before Him in a justified state based solely on the finished work of Jesus Christ.


Mark Wattenbarger – June 22

markwMark Wattenbarger




Allen Daniels – John 17

Bill McCarthy5-altBill McCarthy



 allendAllen Daniels

John 17



Randy – Judgement of God

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

In this sermon, Randy discusses the judgments of God. The bible defines judgment as the rain: as God supplies the rain needed for grass, trees and other vegetation in the natural realm, God also supplies that which is needful (judgment) in the moral realm. Randy explores Psalm 94 where the writer calls upon the Lord as the “judge of all the earth” to come and execute judgment against the wicked as a necessary remedy to the injustice which the writer observes around him. Randy shows how the creation story demonstrates there is something innate in the nature of man to desire judgment, but as a result of our fall into sinfulness, our own perception of true judgment is often flawed. This leads to self-righteousness, which is a point of view in which we view ourselves, rather than God, as the source of true judgment. Randy explores the various ways in which God executes judgment both in this world and in the next to teach His people true judgment.

Bill McCarthy – Closing Comments



Psalm 8

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

In Psalm 8, David contemplates the wonders of creation and examines how that man is a special creation made in the image of God. While aspects of this image were lost in the Fall, God has nevertheless redeemed His elect family out of the fallen human race by raising up another man, Christ Jesus the Lord, who has and will ultimately demonstrate dominion upon all the earth. As shown by the New Testament (Heb 2; 1 Cor 15), Psalm 8 is a Messianic Psalm ultimately pointing to the revealed glory of Christ with His People in the resurrection.


The Fall | Mothers

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Introduction: Isaiah 62:1-3,4   “Beulah Land

In celebration of Mother’s Day, Randy examines the creation story (Gen 2-3) with a view toward understanding what mankind lost in The Fall. The earth as originally created was “good” and “very good” and man stood as God’s representative over all the creation. As a result of the Fall, God cursed Satan and the earth, but did not curse Adam and Eve. He gave them hope by promising a descendant (the “seed of the woman”) that would take away their iniquity, and assigned them toil to thereafter occupy them, and their descendants, in the earth. Men would thereafter suffer through their work to provide food for their families, and women would suffer in childbearing and in raising children. While difficult to bear, some of the greatest blessings God gives His people come through these toils. Mothers in particular love their children and suffer anguish of heart when their children, no matter how old, are in pain (Luke 2). The love of a Mother is an expression of God’s love, and demonstrates God’s love for all His children (Isa 66:13).

Unity vs. Uniformity | May Communion Service

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Unity vs. Uniformity

In this sermon, Randy refers to John 6 to discuss the differences between unity and uniformity. Unity is good in that it is the uniting of God’s people around certain important truths, most notably the fellowship of the risen Christ. The desire for unity can often devolve into demands for uniformity, however, which is a desire people do things the “same way” – everyone should think and do the same things. While this is good in the area of doctrine, it is often taken too far in the area of practice.

May Communion Service

Randy McCarthy & Allen Daniels

allendAllen gives an excellent overview of the meaning of the communion service and what the various elements represent. The unleavened bread represents the perfect, sinless body of Christ which was broken for God’s people, and the unleavened wine represents the perfect, sinless blood (life) of Christ which was shed for the redemption of God’s people.

Mark – Appearance of Jesus after the Resurrection

mark w-new_hcMark Wattenbarger

Bro Mark discusses some of the appearances of the Lord Jesus after his resurrection. He notes the women and the two disciples traveling to Emmaus were not believed when they first told the disciples the Lord is alive. However, it did not take much time to convince even Thomas that the Lord is risen indeed!

Luke 24:13-35;  Mark 16:9-14;  John 20:18-29

Death, Burial, & Resurrection of Jesus Christ

allendAllen Daniels discusses the death, burial, & resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Easter Sunday 2014