Randy McCarthy, Allen Daniels, & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Temptations

Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Beulah Land

Multiculturalism |

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy spoke on Multiculturalism.




mark w-new_hcMark Wattenbarger

Bill McCarthy & Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy





Allen Daniels



Bill McCarthy & Randy McCarthy

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  “Recalibrate Yourself” (introduction)

Text:  Matt 5:38-48

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Regeneration & Conversion

Text:  John 3:1-8,  John 5:24-29,  Eph. 2:1, Col. 1:13-14,  Titus 3:3-5,  2Tim 1:9-10,  James 1:13-18,  Gal. 4:19-20,  1Cor 4:14-15,  1Pet. 1:1-3,  John 1:11-13,  1Pet. 1:17-25

Randy McCarthy & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Baptism

Text:  Matthew Chapter 3

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  The World that calls Evil Good

Text:  Isa 5:20,  2Tim 2:23-25,  Psa. 76:10, Gal 5:16-17,  Rom 14:1, Eph. 4:14,  Phil. 2:5,  1Cor 6:9-11

Samson | Thomas

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Samson

Text:  Heb. 11:32-35,  Judges Ch. 13-16


Mark Wattenbarger

Subject:  Thomas

Text:  John 11:3-16,  John Chapter 14,  John 20:24-29,

Bill McCarthy & Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Text:  Psalm 119:1-8  (Introduction)

Allen Daniels

Subject:  Faith & Virtue

Text:  2Pet. 1:1-12, Psalm 119:1-2 ,  Eph. 2:8-9,  James 2:14-18.  Prov. 31:10, Prov. 12:4,  1Pet. 3:8-17 ,  1Pet. 2:21-23

Randy McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject: Sorrow & Pain

Text:  Eccles. 1:12-18, Isa. 53:1-12, 1Peter 2:20-25 , Matt 8:5-17, 2Cor. 12:2-10

Randy McCarthy & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Text:  Proverbs 1:17-33,  Matt. 7:24-27

Bill McCarthy

Text:  Deut. 34:1-5,  Psa. 103:10-14, Prov. 31:1-7

Randy McCarthy & Keith West

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Offense

Keith West