Communion | Foot Washing

Allen Daniels read from our Articles of Faith (#1-6) and spoke about Communion.

Referenced Scriptures: [1Corinthians 11:1-3, 1Corinthians 11:17-32]



Mark Wattenbarger spoke about Foot Washing

Text:  John 13:4-15

Allen Daniels & Bill McCarthy

Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy, Allen Daniels, & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Temptations

Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Beulah Land

Bill McCarthy & Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy





Allen Daniels



Bill McCarthy & Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Text:  Psalm 119:1-8  (Introduction)

Allen Daniels

Subject:  Faith & Virtue

Text:  2Pet. 1:1-12, Psalm 119:1-2 ,  Eph. 2:8-9,  James 2:14-18.  Prov. 31:10, Prov. 12:4,  1Pet. 3:8-17 ,  1Pet. 2:21-23

Allen Daniels & Bill McCarthy

Allen Daniels

Subject:  Father’s Day

Text:  Luke 15:11-24

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Joy

Texts:  Psa. 48:1-5, Jer. 15:15-16

Paul’s Prayers

Allen Daniels

Text:  Ephesians 1:15-21

Mark Wattenbarger, Allen Daniels, & Randy McCarthy

Mark Wattenbarger

Text:  Proverbs 3:7

Allen Daniels

Text:  Psalm 37: 1-40,  Proverbs 3:5

Randy McCarthy

Text:  Matt 19:16

Bill McCarthy & Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Subject: Failure

Texts:  Mark 14:1-42 & Romans 7:1-25

Allen Daniels

Subject: Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Texts:  Isa.42:4 Psa. 55:1-23 Isa.43: 1-3

Randy McCarthy & Allen Daniels

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  I am not ashamed of the Gospel

Text:  Romans 1:16-17

Allen Daniels

Subject:  Ashamed

Text:  2Tim 1:1-12