The Right Hand of God

Allen Daniels spoke about The Right Hand of God.

The Right Hand of God


Judgement | Dealing with Traumatic Events

Allen Daniels read from Deuteronomy chapter 32 and Hebrews chapter 9 and spoke on Judgement.

Randy McCarthy read from Amos chapter 1 and spoke on Dealing with Traumatic Events.

Judgement, Dealing with Traumatic Events


The Comforter

Allen Daniels followed up on last week’s message by Elder Wattenbarger and spoke about The Comforter.

The Comforter


Who am I? How did I get here? Where am I going?

Allen Daniels opened services reading from Ephesians 1:1-10 and spoke on the Elect’s position “In Christ” answering these three questions: “Who am I?  How did I get here?  Where am I going?”

Brother Allen, prior to reading from Ephesians, read the following quote:

Søren (Kick-key-guard) Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

(a 17th Century Danish philosopher, theologian, and poet)

“Where am I? Who am I?
How did I come to be here?
What is this thing called the world?
How did I come into the world?
Why was I not consulted?
And If I am compelled to take part in it,

Where is the director?

I want to see him.”


Election, Predestination

Scriptures are the Inspiration of God

Allen Daniels opened services reading from 2nd Timothy (2 Tim 3:15-17) and spoke about the Inspiration of the Word of God.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Jesus is Our Hope

Allen Daniels opened services reading from Titus chapter 1, then spoke about the hope of eternal life.

Jesus is Our Hope

The Prophecies of Isaiah

Allen Daniels spoke about The Prophecies of Isaiah.

The Prophecies of Isaiah


The Utility of Our Prayers

Mark Wattenbarger

Text: Psalm 5
Subject: Prayer



Allen Daniels closed services by reading and commenting from Psalm 121

God is our Refuge

Mark Wattenbarger and Allen Daniels spoke about Psalm 46.

Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

God is our Refuge

The Prophecies of Isaiah

Allen Daniels and Randy McCarthy spoke about The Prophecies of Isaiah.

The Prophecies of Isaiah