
Randy McCarthy continued speaking on his last week’s subject of Liberty.

Liberty is Freedom from Sin, not a License to Sin /
Where the Spirit of the Lord is; There is Liberty (2Cor 3:17)

Texts: 2-Corinthinans Chapter 3 (all),  Exodus 34:27-35


Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy

Subject:  What Do You Believe & Why Do You Believe It?

Texts:  Heb 11:1,27   2nd Cor 4:18,  1Cor 1:18-20, Gal 5:22

The Faith of Abraham | Faith

Allen Daniels


Subject:  The Faith of Abraham

Text:  2Th 3:1-2,  Rom 12:1-3,  Hebrews Chapter 11,  Rom 4:1-4, Rom 3:20-22, James 2:1-4,14-25


Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Faith

Text:  Phil 3:1-3,  Rom 2:28-29

Randy McCarthy & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy


Subject:  Abraham:  An Overview

Text:  Genesis Chapter 12-25,  Matt 3:7-9,  John 8:31-33,  Gal 3:1-9


Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Abraham

Text:  Luke 1:67-76,

Back to Basics | World is changing, but not the Word

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Abraham: Back to the Basics/Genealogy,  Creation

Text:  Rom 3:28-31,  Rom 4:1-5,  Gen 11:27-32,  Gen 12:1-3,  Rom 4:16


Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy

Subject:  The worlds is changing, but not the word of God

Text:  Gal 3:29,  Rom 2:28-29,  John 10:10,  Col 3:3,  1Tim 4:1-8

Grace: {2Pet 3:18,  Rom 16:24,  Gal 6:18,  Eph 6:24, Heb 13:25}

The sun shines, warms and lights us and we have no curiosity to know why this is so; but we ask the reason of all evil, of pain, and hunger, and mosquitoes and silly people.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Prophecy: The Birth of Christ

Randy McCarthy  (Introduction)

Subject:  Prophecy of the birth of Jesus

Text:  Isaiah 9:1-7

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  A Christmas Story by Rian B. Anderson

Allen Daniels

Subject:  Genealogy of Christ;  The Wise Men; Star in the East

Text:  Matt. 1:16,  Matt. 2:1-11, Daniel 2:44-49

Randy McCarthy & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Rulers of the Present & the Past

Text:  1Sam 8:1-22

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  A Message for Grace  (My Great-Granddaughter)

Text:  John 10:10,  Phil 4:13,  Phil 2:5,  Psalm 1:1,  Isa. 43:7

Allen Daniels & Bill McCarthy

Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Prophecy | Psalm 76, Jude

Randy McCarthy read from Daniel chapter 11 and spoke about Prophecy

Subject:  Prophecy

Referenced Text:  Revelation 1:4


Bill McCarthy read and commented from Psalm 76 and the book of Jude.

Randy McCarthy, Allen Daniels, & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Temptations

Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Beulah Land

Bill McCarthy & Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy





Allen Daniels

