Ordinances | The Lord’s Supper

First Primitive Baptist Ass’n of OK – 2019
July 12, Friday Morning
1st Minister

Elder Don Farris


Hope for the Future, Practice For the Present, Discipleship

d-farris-2First Primitive Baptist Ass’n of OK – 2017
July 7, Friday Morning

Elder Don Farris

Subject: Hope for the Future, Practice For the Present, and Discipleship

Psalms 127:1  “Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.”

Elder Don Farris – First PB Association-OK 2016

d-farris-2July 9, Saturday Morning

Our Depraved Human Nature vs Our New Nature in Christ

d-farris-2First Primitive Baptist Ass’n of OK – 2015
July 10, Friday Morning

Elder Don Farris

Subject: Our Depraved Human Nature vs Our New Nature in Christ

Ps 115:8; Eph 2:1-3; Acts 26:16-18; 1 Cor 12:2; Eph 2:5; Eph 1:1-11; Eph 2:11-13

Living by Faith

d-farris-2Elder Don Farris

First PB Association-OK 2013
July 12, Friday Evening  – 2nd Minister

Subject:  Living by Faith

Text: Romans 12:3

Scriptural References: Hebrews 3 and 4; Romans 4:13-25; Romans 5:1-5

Don Farris [FPBA-OK 2012 – Thurs. PM]

d-farris-2Elder Don Farris

First PB Association-OK 2012
July 5, Thurs. Evening – 2nd Minister

Don Farris [FPBA-OK 2011 – Fri. AM]

d-farris-2Elder Don Farris

First PB Association-OK 2011
July 8, Friday Morning – 2nd Minister


Note:  This is only a partial sermon.  Due to technical problems the 1st sermon (Butch Shewmaker) & part of this sermon were not recorded

Don Farris [FPBA-OK 2010 – Thurs. PM]

d-farris-2Elder Don Farris

First PB Association-OK 2010
July 8, Thurs. Evening – 2nd Minister