Faith (and the correlation to #300)

Vernon Johnson spoke using the theme of Faith and the number 300.

Bethlehem PB of Oklahoma City Annual Meeting – 2023
July 8, Saturday Morning

Faith, 300

The Gift of Tongues

Allen Daniels continued (from October 31) reading again from 1st Corinthians chapter 12 about gifts and charity and then focused in on The Gift of Tongues.

Referenced Scriptures: [Genesis chapters 10-11, 1st Corinthians chapter 14, Luke chapter 24, Acts chapters 1-2]

The Gift of Tongues

Preaching, Prayer & Patience

Brother David Bass spoke about Preaching, Prayer & Patience using Noah, Daniel & Job as examples.

Preaching, Prayer, Patience, Noah, Daniel, Job


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

The Just Shall Live by Faith

allen d-newAllen Daniels

Brother Allen preached about the faith of Abel, Enoch, & Noah.

Text: Hebrews 10:38; Habakkuk 2:4
Scriptural References: Hebrews 11:1-5; Gen 4:1-8; 1 John 3:11-12; Jude 1:14; Gen 5:4-15; Luke 3:36-38; Gen 5:21-24; Rev 13:8; Gen 6:3-16