Preservation of the Saints

Allen Daniels read and commented on Article #5 from our Articles of Faith.

Articles of Faith #5:  We believe that the Saints shall be preserved by grace and never finally fall away.

Preservation of the Saints

The Prodigal Son

Randy McCarthy

The Prodigal Son

Randy McCarthy continued on his theme of The Kingdom of God, focusing this week on The Prodigal Son.




Allen Daniels

Bill & Randy McCarthy – Sept. 6

Randy introduced services reading from Roman Chapter 14


Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy




randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Prodigal Son / “Earnest of our Inheritance

d-wattFirst Primitive Baptist Ass’n of OK – 2014
July 11, Friday Morning  – 2nd Minister

Elder David Wattenbarger

Subject: Prodigal Son / “Earnest of our Inheritance”
Text:  Luke 15 ; Ephesians 1

5th Sunday March – Keith / Mark / Randy

Keith WestKeith West

Topic:  Christianity Portrayal in the Media

Keith discusses how Christianity is portrayed in today’s media, and contrasts two recent films, one of which remains faithful to Scripture and one that does not.  Keith encouraged us to study our bibles diligently so that we will not take false presentations of the Scriptures and believe them to be true, which happens to many in today’s culture.

markwMark Wattenbarger

Topic:  Spiritual Warfare

Mark discussed the spiritual warfare of believers (2 Corinthians 10:4).  There is much in the world with which to disagree.  However, Scripture teaches the Christian does not fight sin and deception in the same manner, and with the same weapons, with which the world fights.  It is a battle for the mind, and every thought should be obedient to God’s will just like our every action.

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Topic:  Luke Chapter 15

Randy presented an overview of Luke 15 including the parables of the lost sheep, the lost silver piece and the prodigal son.  While these parables teach the beauty of God’s grace in His willingness to seek and save that which was lost, Randy stressed that these parables are really about our reaction when God blesses someone else.  We should not be like the resentful older brother, but instead we should rejoice as the angels in heaven do when God extends mercy to a sinner.



Why would God allow disasters to happen? | Is God Fair?

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Galatians 1:1-5

Mark Wattenbarger

Subject:  Why would God allow disasters to happen?

Text:  Job,  James


Keith West

Subject:  Is God Fair? / The Prodigal Son

Text:  Luke 15:11-32


Note:  This week’s sermons centered around the Moore, OK tornado that took place on May 20, 2013

Father’s Day | Joy

Allen Daniels

Father’s Day
Text:  Luke 15:11-24



Bill McCarthy

Texts:  Psalm 48:1-5, Jeremiah 15:15-16