Faith (Centurion from Capernaum)

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from 1st Peter chapter 3 (1Pet 3:8-12). He then read from Matthew chapter 8 (Matt 8:5-13) and Luke chapter 7 (Luke 7:1-10) and spoke about the faith of the centurion from Capernaum.  He also spoke about the four areas in our lives we need to focus on (Faith, Family, Vocation, Community).

Referenced Scriptures: [Malachi 1:11]

Note: Video was unavailable this week.

Faith, Family, Vocation, Community

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Isaiah chapter 31. He then spoke about the 4 things we should focus on in our lives: Faith, Family, Vocation, Community.  He then spoke about the faith of the centurion from Capernaum.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Hope | The 4 Themes of the Bible

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Revelations chapter 14.

Brad Wynn spoke about Hope

Referenced Scriptures: [1Peter 1:3-4, Psalms 1]

Randy McCarthy read Genesis chapter 1 and spoke about The 4 Themes of the Bible: Creation, The Fall, Redemption, and Consummation.

Referenced Scriptures: [Romans 1:16-20, Romans 5:12,19, Romans 8:19-22,28-30, 1Peter 4:12-16]

Hope, The 4 Themes of the Bible

Christian Pessimism

Randy McCarthy opened services by reading Psalm 103. He then read from Galatians chapter 1 (Gal 1:1-5) and spoke about Christian Pessimism.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Prophecy of the Birth of Christ (cont.)

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Luke chapter 1 (Luke 1:67-80) about the prophecy of Zacharias.  He then continued last week’s message about the Old Testament prophecy of the birth of Christ focusing this week on Malachi, Daniel, and Ezra.

Referenced Scriptures: [Malachi chapters 3 & 4, Daniel chapter 9, Luke chapter 2]

Christmas prophecy according to Malachi, Daniel, and Ezra

Prophecy of the Birth of Christ

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Matthew chapter 1(Matt 1:18-25) and then spoke about the Prophecy of the Birth of Christ according to Isaiah, Micah, and Nathan.

Referenced Scriptures: [Luke chaps 1-2, Matt chaps 1-2, Isaiah chaps 7&9, Micah chapter 5, 2-Samuel chapter 7]

Christmas prophecy according to Isaiah, Micah, and Nathan

Some Thoughts on Repentance

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Luke chapter 2 and then read from Acts chapter 20 and spoke about Repentance.

Referenced Scriptures: [Mark 1:14-15, Ezekiel chapter 14, Zechariah chapter 3, Hebrews 12:1-2]



Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Leviticus chapter 29 then read and commented from the book of Esther.



This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas


Randy McCarthy spoke about Repentance.



This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas


Randy McCarthy read from Acts chapter 7(Acts 7:35-60)and spoke about Stephen.

Stephen, Acts 7


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas