Things That We Know and See

Randy McCarthy spoke about Things That We Know and See.

Things That We Know and See


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

The Bread of Life | Communion Service

Randy McCarthy read from John chapter 3 and spoke about Nicodemus & then from John chapter 6 and spoke about The Bread of Life.

Allen Daniels spoke about the Passover and the Communion Service.

bread of life, communion

Spiritual Warfare

Randy McCarthy spoke about Spiritual Warfare.

Spiritual Warfare


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Spiritual Warfare

Randy McCarthy read about giants in the bible as described in the Old Testament and spoke about Spiritual Warfare.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments comparing David to Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Warfare

The Lion and the Lamb

Randy McCarthy spoke about The Lion and the Lamb.
Note: There is a discontinuity at 7:42 due to camera power issues.

lion and lamb


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

The Resurrection | The Lion and the Lamb

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Randy McCarthy read from Revelation chapter 5 and spoke about The Lion and the Lamb.



Randy McCarthy spoke about Signs.



This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas


Randy McCarthy read from 1st Corinthians chapter 1 and spoke about Signs.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments.



Randy McCarthy spoke about Atonement.



This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Judgement of God | Forgiveness

Randy McCarthy read from 2-Samuel chapter 21 about David and the Gibeonites and spoke about The Judgement of God.

Allen Daniels spoke on Forgiveness.

judgement, forgiveness