What Primitive Baptists Believe

Randy McCarthy


Randy McCarthy

Follow Me; Communion

Randy McCarthy spoke on the phrase “Follow Me”




Allen Daniels continued on the subject of following Christ and gave the communion message.

Gender Equality; The Nature of Man

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from 2nd Corinthians (Chapter 1).

Keith West spoke on the issues of gender equality in our current society and on the nature of man.

Sowing and Reaping // Lively Hope in Our Eternal Inheritance

Randy McCarthy opened serviced reading from Isaiah chapter 55:6-13

Mark Wagner

Subject: Sowing the Word and Reaping the Fruit

Text: Isaiah 55:10

Scriptural References: Amos 9:9 and Luke 22:31-32

Randy McCarthy

Subject: Our Lively Hope in Our Eternal Inheritance

Text: 1 Peter 1:1-5

Scriptural Reference: John 11:21-26; Romans 7:18-25; Eph 1:3-6, 11-14

The 7 Jewish Feasts

Randy McCarthy introduced services reading from Matthew chapter 11.  Randy then discussed the seven feast days that the Lord gave the nation of Israel to observe (Lev 23).

These feast days are :  Passover  .  Unleavened Bread  .  Firstfruits
Weeks (Pentecost)  .  Trumpets  .  Day of Atonement  .  Tabernacles (Booths)

See also The 7 Jewish Feasts (August 2014)


Walking in the Kingdom of God

Randy McCarthy

Faith (continued)

Randy McCarthy continued his discussion from last week on Faith

The Spirit of God (cont.)

Allen Daniels spoke on “The Spirit of God” (referencing Elder Kirkpatrick’s sermon from last week.)




Randy McCarthy spoke on “Faith”.

The Spirit of God

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from the 3rd chapter of James




Ed Kirkpatrick spoke on The Spirit of God.