Speaking the Truth

Bill McCarthy5-altBill McCarthy

Bill discusses how the elite in this world always challenge God, but God in His wisdom always prevails.   No problem is too difficult for God.

Text:  Matthew 22; Romans 5:12.


randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

The world hates it when you tell the truth.   In Matthew 23, the Lord Jesus condemns the Pharisees and scribes for their hypocrisy, and states that judgment for all the righteous blood that had been shed from Abel to Zechariah (Zecharias) would come upon that generation.  Randy recounts the story of Zechariah, the brave prophet who was killed for speaking the truth, and who in his death prefigured the rejection and death of Christ.

Text:  2Chronicles 24.


Standing Against the Mob

Bill McCarthy5-altBill McCarthy

Subject: Love   (Introduction)

Brother Bill spoke of the incredible love of God for His people.

Text:  John Ch. 13 & 15;  James 3;  Rom 13:6

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Subject:  Standing Against the Mob

In this sermon, Randy recounts the story of the death of wicked king Ahab as foretold by Micaiah the prophet.  1 Kings 22.  Micaiah was hated by Ahab because he spoke the truth.   Micaiah prophesied that in battle only king Ahab would be killed, and the rest of his men scattered, and this came to pass even though king Ahab disguised himself as a common soldier.  Micaiah’s treatment by the king prefigured the suffering of Christ, and Micaiah’s prophecy was also fulfilled by Christ (strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered).

Text:  1Kings 22:1-35

Five Sermons for a 5th Sunday – Sept. 2013

Randy McCarthy

Text:  Acts 26:12-23,  Zech 13:6-

Bill McCarthy

Keith West

Subject:  Prayer: A Steering Wheel or a Spare Tire ?

Mark Wattenbarger

Allen Daniels


Old Testament Prophecy of Jesus

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Introduction:  1Cor 15:1-8

On the day that Jesus was raised from the dead, He began opening the understanding of his disciples to the OT scriptures which foretold the suffering, death, burial and resurrection of Christ (Luke 24:13-47).

Randy examined several prophecies in the writings of Moses (first five books of the OT) that demonstrate a suffering and triumphant Messiah, including the seed of the woman in Genesis 3, the offering of Isaac in Genesis 22 and the eight day festival of Passover (Exodus 12, Leviticus 23).   With regard to the Passover, Jesus’s death was represented by the paschal lamb offered on the first day of the Passover feast and his glorified resurrection represented by the first fruits offering on the third day of the Passover feast (1 Cor 15:20).

Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

In this sermon, Randy continues his discussion of the authenticity and reliability of the New Testament, and identifies four facts accepted by essentially all historians, secular and Christian, concerning the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.   (Luke 24:13-35)


These facts are:

  1. Jesus was buried in a borrowed tomb owned by a member of the Sanhedrin;
  2. The tomb was discovered to be empty by a group of women;
  3. Multiple people with different backgrounds claimed to have personally encountered the resurrected Jesus; and
  4. The gospel preached by the early Christians was absolutely contrary to the disciples’ own expectations concerning the Messiah.

The best explanation for these and other facts is that God raised Jesus from the dead exactly as described in the NT Scriptures.


This is a continuation of the previous week’s topic “The Authenticity and Reliability of the New Testament“.


Authenticity of the New Testament


Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy

Subject:  (Introduction) – The Holiness of Jesus

Text:  1Timothy 4:16

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Subject:  The Authenticity and Reliability of the New Testament.

Randy cites to the early Christian creed in 1 Cor 15:1-8 and the writings of several secular historians and church fathers that confirm the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  From these and other evidences it is conclusive that the New Testament books we have today were written before the close of the first century AD and accurately reflect real events that took place exactly as described in the Bible.  Statements by scoffers today that Jesus probably didn’t ever live at all, and that the NT books were written hundreds of years later, are absolutely false and cannot be reasonably supported by the overwhelming evidence that proves otherwise.

The Year of Jubilee, Liberty, The Passover

Randy McCarthy introduced services reading from Proverbs 16:7

markwMark Wattenbarger

Subject:  The Year of Jubilee, Liberty, The Passover




Randy McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Introduction:  Psalm 92:1-15

Subject:  Jezreel, son of Hosea
Jezreel also refers to a city & a plains area near Mount Carmel
(known as the Jezreel Valley)
Jezreel translates to “God scatters”, “God cast out”, “God throws away” or “to sow”

Text: Hosea 1:1-11,  Hosea 2:1-8, 14-16

Randy McCarthy, Mark Wattenbarger, Allen Daniels

Randy McCarthy

Introduction:  The Declaration of Independence
Text:  Josh 11:1-  ,  Judges 1:1-5,11-19,27-33


Mark Wattenbarger

Subject:  Satan is like a lion seeking out ones to devour  (1Pet 5:8)
Text:  1Pet 5:8-11,

Allen Daniels



Ed Kirkpatrick

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Introduction:  Ecclesiastes 2:21-26

Ed Kirk_300Ed Kirkpatrick

The Joy that was Set Before Him Endured the Cross  (Heb 12:2)

Text:  Heb 12:1-2;  Eze 16:4-6, Gen 2:17; Isa 64:6;  1Cor1:30;  Heb 11:12-13