Earthly Fathers vs. Our Heavenly Father

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Introduction:  Fathers / David & Solomon
1Kings 2:1-12



markwMark Wattenbarger

Earthly Fathers vs. Our Heavenly Father

Matt 7:7-12,  Luke 11:5-13,  Rom 8:31-39


Randy McCarthy:   Closing Comments

Randy McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Balaam, The Stupid Phophet

Text:  Heb 4:11-16,  Rev. 2:12-17,  Num 23:7-10, 18-23,  Num 24:2-9,  Num 31:16,  2Pet 2:9-16
Numbers Ch. 22-24  (The Story of Balaam)


The Lord giveth & the Lord taketh away | The Mercy of the Lord

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  The Lord giveth & the Lord taketh away.  Judge not the Lord

Text:  [Introduction – Psalm 49]
         [Message – Job 1:1-22,  Job 40:1-7, Job 42,  James 5:7-12]

Allen Daniels

Subject:  The Mercy of the Lord

Text:  Luke 13,  Psalm 107

Why would God allow disasters to happen? | Is God Fair?

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Galatians 1:1-5

Mark Wattenbarger

Subject:  Why would God allow disasters to happen?

Text:  Job,  James


Keith West

Subject:  Is God Fair? / The Prodigal Son

Text:  Luke 15:11-32


Note:  This week’s sermons centered around the Moore, OK tornado that took place on May 20, 2013


Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy




Randy McCarthy

Subject: Family

Text: John 14: 1-4,  Eph 1:3-12, Rom 8:

Wisdom of God vs. the Foolishness of the World

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Memorials | Wisdom of God vs. the Foolishness of the World

Referenced Scriptures: Joshua 3:15-17, 4:1-7, 1Kings 3:1-15, 16-28

Note: Sermon before May Communion Service

Communion Service – May 2013

Allen Daniels – Communion Message

Randy McCarthy – Prayer

Mark Wattenbarger – Foot Washing Message

Also See:
Washing of the Saints Feet by Allen Daniels
(article- April 2013)

Keith West & Mark Wattenbarger

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  (Introduction)

Text:  Exodus



Keith West

Subject: Marriage




Mark Wattenbarger



The Ten Commandments

Randy McCarthy discusses the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) and demonstrates how that several of these commandments, including the commandment to honor your father and mother, to not commit adultery and to not covet your neighbor’s wife support the traditional view and purpose of marriage in society.


Randy McCarthy [Tuttle Annual Meeting-2013]

randyMc_1_cropElder Randy McCarthy

Tuttle Annual Meeting –  2013
April 12, Friday Evening.  2nd Ministertut-logo