Suffering of Christ, Crucifixion, Resurrection

Randy McCarthy introduced services reading from Luke Chapter 22  [Luke 22:28-38]

Mark Wattenbarger spoke on The Suffering of Christ and the Crucifixion

Text:  John: Chapter 19



Randy McCarthy spoke on the Crucifixion & Resurrection

Text: Mark 14:51-??,  Matt 27:,  John 20:,  Luke 24:

Note: Easter Sunday 2013

Palm Sunday | The Resurrection

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy spoke about Lazarus, Mary anointing the feet of Jesus, and the origins of Palm Sunday.

Referenced Scriptures: [John 12:1-19, Zechariah 9:9]



mark w-new_hcMark Wattenbarger spoke about The Resurrection (being raised from the dead)


Randy McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject: Resurrection & Ascension

Text: Acts 1:1-?,  Psalm 110,  Dan 7:13-??,  Rev. 1:4-?

War & Peace

Randy McCarthy




Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy

Subject: War & Peace

Predestination & Election |

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Subject: Predestination & Election

Text: Eph 4:17-24


mark w-new_hcMark Wattenbarger


Randy McCarthy continued speaking on his last week’s subject of Liberty.

Liberty is Freedom from Sin, not a License to Sin /
Where the Spirit of the Lord is; There is Liberty (2Cor 3:17)

Texts: 2-Corinthinans Chapter 3 (all),  Exodus 34:27-35


Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy

Subject:  What Do You Believe & Why Do You Believe It?

Texts:  Heb 11:1,27   2nd Cor 4:18,  1Cor 1:18-20, Gal 5:22

Liberty, Freedom from the Slavery of Sin

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Liberty, Freedom from the Slavery of Sin

Text: Isa 61:1-3,  John 8:28-34,  Rom 6:14-18,  1Pet 2:11-17

Randy McCarthy & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy


Subject:  Abraham:  An Overview

Text:  Genesis Chapter 12-25,  Matt 3:7-9,  John 8:31-33,  Gal 3:1-9


Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Abraham

Text:  Luke 1:67-76,

Back to Basics | World is changing, but not the Word

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Abraham: Back to the Basics/Genealogy,  Creation

Text:  Rom 3:28-31,  Rom 4:1-5,  Gen 11:27-32,  Gen 12:1-3,  Rom 4:16


Bill McCarthyBill McCarthy

Subject:  The worlds is changing, but not the word of God

Text:  Gal 3:29,  Rom 2:28-29,  John 10:10,  Col 3:3,  1Tim 4:1-8

Grace: {2Pet 3:18,  Rom 16:24,  Gal 6:18,  Eph 6:24, Heb 13:25}

The sun shines, warms and lights us and we have no curiosity to know why this is so; but we ask the reason of all evil, of pain, and hunger, and mosquitoes and silly people.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Randy, Mark, & Allen – New Year’s Resolutions for 2013

Randy McCarthy


Subject: Reminiscing 2012 & Resolutions for 2013,  Job (see #6 in list)


Mark Wattenbarger


Subject: Abraham (see #3 in list), Sodom and Gomorrah,  yielding to the power of sin & the influence of the world


Allen Daniels


Subject: Though perilous times shall come, God shall not be moved.

Text: 2Tim 3:1-9,  Eph. 5:15-16,  Psa. 46:1-4, Ezek 47:1-5,  Rev. 22:1-2  ,Eph. 3:14-19

Reference:  Suggested New Year Resolutions
  1. Like Paul, we will forget those things which are behind and reach forward.
  2. Like David, we will lift up our eyes to the hills from which our help comes.
  3. Like Abraham, we will trust our God in every circumstance.
  4. Like Enoch, we will walk in daily fellowship with our heavenly Father.
  5. Like Moses, we will endure suffering rather than enjoy the pleasure of sin.
  6. Like Job, we will be patient and faithful in all things.