Randy McCarthy & Keith West

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men

Song Lyrics:  “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Text:  Luke 2:21-38,  Luke 2:8-15,  Matt 10:34

Keith West

Subject:  Hanukkah, Light of God

Text:  John 12:34,  John 8:12

Prophecy: The Birth of Christ

Randy McCarthy  (Introduction)

Subject:  Prophecy of the birth of Jesus

Text:  Isaiah 9:1-7

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  A Christmas Story by Rian B. Anderson

Allen Daniels

Subject:  Genealogy of Christ;  The Wise Men; Star in the East

Text:  Matt. 1:16,  Matt. 2:1-11, Daniel 2:44-49

Randy McCarthy – Culture & Christianity

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Subjects:  Christianity, Culture, & Christmas; Sermon on the Mount

Texts:  Luke 2:8-20,  Matt 5:1-16

Thanksgiving & Offerings

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Subject:  Thanksgiving & the Peace Offering

Texts: Leviticus 7:37-38, 11-14, 30-32


 markwMark Wattenbarger

Subject:  Unacceptable Offerings

Texts:  Malachi 1:1-13, Leviticus 22:17-25, 29

Randy McCarthy & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Rulers of the Present & the Past

Text:  1Sam 8:1-22

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  A Message for Grace  (My Great-Granddaughter)

Text:  John 10:10,  Phil 4:13,  Phil 2:5,  Psalm 1:1,  Isa. 43:7

The First Amendment & Elder John Leland (Video)

Elder Randy McCarthy

Subject:  “The First Amendment & Elder John Leland

This sermon was recorded at Bethany Primitive Baptist Church, (Suwanee, GA) on November 4, 2012

Keith West & Randy McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Introduction:  Haggai

Text:  Haggai 2:1-9

Keith West

Subject:  The Lord’s Model Prayer

Text:  Luke 11:1,  Matt 6:5-13

Randy McCarthy

Subject: Communion

Text: 1Cor 11:17-34


Prophecy | Psalm 76, Jude

Randy McCarthy read from Daniel chapter 11 and spoke about Prophecy

Subject:  Prophecy

Referenced Text:  Revelation 1:4


Bill McCarthy read and commented from Psalm 76 and the book of Jude.

Randy McCarthy

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Subjects:  Resurrection, Validity of the Gospel

Texts:  Acts Ch. 26, Acts 24:24-25

Referenced Document:  First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

Randy McCarthy, Allen Daniels, & Bill McCarthy

Randy McCarthy

Subject:  Temptations

Allen Daniels

Bill McCarthy

Subject:  Beulah Land