Subject: Samson
Text: Heb. 11:32-35, Judges Ch. 13-16
Subject: Thomas
Text: John 11:3-16, John Chapter 14, John 20:24-29,
Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:56 — 19.9MB)
Subject: Samson
Text: Heb. 11:32-35, Judges Ch. 13-16
Subject: Thomas
Text: John 11:3-16, John Chapter 14, John 20:24-29,
Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:56 — 19.9MB)
Randy McCarthy
Subject: Sorrow & Pain
Text: Eccles. 1:12-18, Isa. 53:1-12, 1Peter 2:20-25 , Matt 8:5-17, 2Cor. 12:2-10
Podcast: Download (Duration: 50:57 — 16.0MB)
Randy McCarthy
Text: Proverbs 1:17-33, Matt. 7:24-27
Bill McCarthy
Text: Deut. 34:1-5, Psa. 103:10-14, Prov. 31:1-7
Podcast: Download (Duration: 46:53 — 14.6MB)
Subject: Final Judgement
Reference made to Aurora, Colorado Massacre
Texts: Psalm 31:5, Isaiah 43:4-5
Podcast: Download (Duration: 40:22 — 12.4MB)
Randy McCarthy
Bill McCarthy
Podcast: Download (Duration: 42:31 — 13.9MB)
Referenced Biography: John Leland (1754-1841)
John Leland led Baptists in Virginia in the struggle for religious freedom. He ardently opposed the idea that the United States was a Christian commonwealth and fervently championed separating church and state. He wrote:
“No national church can in its organization, be the Gospel Church. A National church takes in the whole Nation, and no more; whereas, the Gospel Church, takes in no Nation, but those who fear God, and work righteousness in every Nation. The notion of a Christian commonwealth should be exploded forever. . . . If all the souls in a government were saints of God, should they be formed into a society by law, that society could not be a Gospel Church, but a creature of state.”
Randy McCarthy introduces services reading from 1Cor 15:1-2
Keith West
Subject: Keys of the Kingdom
Texts: Matt 16:13-19, Acts 2:1-5, Acts 2:37-38, Acts 8:5-8, Acts 8:19-21, Acts 10:9-15, Acts 10:30-46
Randy McCarthy
Text: Joel 2:28-32
Podcast: Download (Duration: 44:09 — 14.4MB)
Randy McCarthy
Subject: *The Ten Commandments
Bill McCarthy
Text: Philippians 4:1-9
*Note: Due to technical problems, Randy’s sermon is incomplete
Podcast: Download (Duration: 18:41 — 5.9MB)
Randy McCarthy introduced services reading from John chapter 15 (John 15:7-15)
Keith West spoke about Weeds
Mark Wattenbarger spoke about Soldiers
Notes: Memorial Day
Podcast: Download (Duration: 48:11 — 15.4MB)
Randy McCarthy
Subject: Communion
Text: John 6:1-35, 53-58
Podcast: Download (Duration: 22:51 — 7.4MB)
© 2025 Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church of Oklahoma City