Sermons from our sister churches

What Is Man? (Psalm 8)

Mark Wattenbarger

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Will of God and the Will of Man

Randy McCarthy


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Know Who We Worship (2-Tim 1)

Mark Wattenbarger

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Birth of Christ

Randy McCarthy read from Luke chapter 2 and spoke on The Birth of Christ.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

With God All Things are Possible

Mark Wattenbarger read from 2-Kings Chapter 7 about the prophecies of Elisha & Elijah and compared it to Luke Chapter 2 highlighting With God All Things are Possible.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Isaiah 30: The Prophecy of Hezekiah

Mark Wattenbarger read from Isaiah Chapter 30 and spoke on The Prophecy of Hezekiah.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Psalm 100: Song of Thanksgiving

Mark Wattenbarger preaches out of Psalm 100 on the subject of Thanksgiving. Gratitude and thanksgiving have been part of the history of the United States for many years. While the holiday we know today has changed how we think of Thanksgiving, expressing our gratefulness to our heavenly Father is our constant privilege and duty.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

Ruling Classes

Randy McCarthy read from 1st Corinthians Chapter 1 (1Cor 1:18-31) and spoke on Ruling Classes.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

1st Peter: Chapter 1

Mark Wattenbarger speaks from 1 Peter chapter 1. In this letter, the Apostle Peter was blessed to encourage the saints in the midst of trials and persecution. The encouragement to saints today is just as needful.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

Psalm 122

Mark Wattenbarger preaches out of Psalm 122. This is one of the songs of degrees and one of the few attributed directly to David. David expresses his joy and gladness at the prospect of going into the house of the Lord. In this Psalm, David asks the people to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Brother Mark preaches on the joy of being in God’s house and the blessings the Lord showers on us every day.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma