Sermons from our sister churches

Thomas McDonald at Wilson

Thomas McDonald

Wilson Annual Meeting – 2015
Saturday Morning, October 3 – 1st Minister


This sermon was recorded at
Cornish Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Wilson, OK

David Pyles – Sunday Morning

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy opened services



d-pyles_bwDavid Pyles



Oxford Annual Meeting – 2015
This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

David Pyles – Saturday Evening

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy opened services reading from Isaiah.



d-pyles_bwDavid Pyles




Oxford Annual Meeting – 2015
This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

David Pyles – Saturday Afternoon

d-pyles_bwDavid Pyles



Oxford Annual Meeting – 2015
This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Daniel chapter 11

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy opened services reading from Ecclesiastes chapter 12.



d-pyles_bwDavid Pyles read and commented from Daniel chapter 11.


Oxford_sep-2015Oxford Annual Meeting – 2015
Saturday Morning
This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

I am not ashamed of the Gospel

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy opened services giving comments about Ecclesiastes 9:1.



d-pyles_bwDavid Pyles spoke using the theme of Romans 1:16, I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.

Romans 1:16-17  For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

Oxford_sep-2015Oxford Annual Meeting – 2015
Friday Evening
This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Being Unsettled

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy



Oxford PBC_pc

This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Allen Daniels at Oxford PBC

allen d-newAllen Daniels

Subject: Wisdom

Text: 1 Cor 1:16-31

Scriptural References: 1 Cor 2:4-13; Prov 1:1-9; Job 28:12-28; Ps 111:9-10; James 1:17; Ps 112:1; Rom 3:18; Eccl 12:13

But where shall wisdom be found? and where is the place of understanding?” (Job 28:12)

And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.(Job 28:28)

Oxford PBC_pc

This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Randy McCarthy at Oxford PBC

randyMc_1_crop Randy McCarthy
Introductory: 2 Timothy 1:1-12

Subject: Christian Persecution

Text:  2nd Timothy 3:11-12
Scriptural References:  2 Tim 3:1-12; Acts 16:1-4; Acts 13: 13-16, 26-52; Acts 14:1-21

Oxford PBC_pc

This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Allen Daniels at Oxford PBC

allen d-newAllen Daniels

Subject: The Grace of God That Bringeth Salvation

 Text: Titus 2:11-15
Scriptural References: Titus 1:1-5, 15-16; Titus 2:1-10; Heb 8:6-13; John 6:37-47; 1 Cor 2:7-16; Heb 12:1-2; Heb 11:1

Oxford PBC_pc

This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas