The Judgment Seat of Christ

Allen Daniels


Randy McCarthy

Hope | Hymn Analysis

Allen Daniels

Proverbs & James | Where Dwellest Thou? ; Live for Today

Mark Wattenbarger did a comparison of Proverbs and James.




Randy McCarthy spoke about “Where Dwellest Thou?” from John 1:38.  He also spoke on living for today, don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future.


Allen Daniels

The Law

Allen Daniels introduced services by reading Psalm 27.

Mark Wattenbarger spoke on The Law




Allen Daniels gave closing comments about The Law.

The Perfect Law of Liberty

Allen Daniels spoke on the Pharisee and the Publican, the Beatitudes, and the Perfect Law of Liberty.  He also commented on the Golden Rule, Loving your Neighbor,  and Charity.

The Golden Rule (Others)

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from John chapter 6 (John 6:37-45)He then turned to Mark chapter 12 (Mark 12:28-31) to introduce his theme of The Golden Rule (Love Thy Neighbor).

The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23)

Allen Daniels

The Old Testament is the Foundation of the Gospel

Randy McCarthy opened services by following up from last Sunday’s message on Anxiety He then read from Acts Chapter 3 about the prophets of old and shifted focus to Samuel.  His general theme was that the Old Testament is the foundation for the gospel of the New Testament.  “The NT is the icing, but the OT is the cake


Allen Daniels followed up from his previous message “What was the purpose of Jesus Christ?”.  He also spoke on Old Testament prophecy.