Allen Daniels introduced services by reading Psalm 42 (source of the hymn: As Thirst the Hart for Water Brook)
Mark Hasenmyer read and commented from Proverb 23 with a focus on the deterioration of our society.
Allen Daniels introduced services by reading Psalm 42 (source of the hymn: As Thirst the Hart for Water Brook)
Mark Hasenmyer read and commented from Proverb 23 with a focus on the deterioration of our society.
Randy McCarthy began by reading Article #8 focusing on that ministers are to be called by God. He then spoke about Amos, Jeremiah, and Jehoshaphat and compared those events to what is happening in the world today.
Articles of Faith #: 8: We believe that no minister has the right to administer the ordinances of the gospel but such as have been regularly baptized and called by God and comes under the hands of a presbytery.
Referenced Scriptures: [Romans 5:1-5, Amos 7:10-17,8:11-12, Jeremiah chapter 20, Revelation 3:14-19]
Mark Wattenbarger read from Colossians chapter 1 and spoke about The State of the World Today.
Mark Wattenbarger spoke about Creation, The Origin of the Universe, and The Existence of God.
Referenced Scriptures: [Genesis 1:1-5, John 1:1-5,14-17, Romans 1:20]
Mark Hasenmyer read from Acts chapter 18 and spoke about the city of Corinth and that Sin Is Always Sin.
Jeff Winfrey spoke using the theme Did Lazarus come forth by Free Choice?
John 11:43 And when he thus had spoken, he cried with a loud voice, Lazarus, come forth.
Referenced Scriptures: [1John 4:1-3, John chapter 11]
Bethlehem PB of Oklahoma City Annual Meeting – 2022
July 8, Friday Evening
Randy McCarthy spoke about the Purpose and Power of Submission.
Referenced Scriptures: [Colossians 3:18-25,1-4, Colossians 4:1, Colossians 1:3-6,9-18, Ephesians 5:21-25]
Allen Daniels introduced services by reading Psalm 100.
Mark Wattenbarger read from Philippians about Paul & Silas and spoke about Suffering.
Referenced Scriptures: [Isaiah 5:20, Acts chapters 16 & 17]
Randy McCarthy spoke on Biblical Masculinity.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 49:54 — 17.5MB)
This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas
Randy McCarthy spoke about Biblical Masculinity.
Mark Wattenbarger preaches this sermon as a continuation of the thoughts introduced earlier at Walnut Valley about keeping a broad view perspective and getting out of the frantic roller coaster of the now. Brother Mark preaches on prayer from Philippians chapter 4 and exhorts the brethren to spend time in prayer and in meditation to refresh our perspective and be moderate in our lives.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 50:56 — 16.9MB)
This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma
© 2025 Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church of Oklahoma City