Mark Wattenbarger
Podcast: Download (Duration: 40:41 — 11.3MB)
Randy McCarthy opened services by reading from Ephesians 1:3-11 and Romans 8:28-29 and spoke briefly about predestination. God predestined, or determined beforehand, the destiny of His people before the creation of the world. This destiny includes the facts that we would be adopted as God’s children, that we would have an eternal inheritance, and that we would be conformed to the image and glory of His Son Jesus Christ.
Keith West
Trusting in God
Keith preached on how the Scriptures teach us to trust God. He noted that our national motto (“In God We Trust”) is present on the currency of the United States. To trust God means that we need to believe that He is able and willing to do what He has promised. He observed that since God created everything (Gen 1:1), it is not difficult for Him to do other things within His creation. Keith brought to mind three important characters who were presented with challenges of faith and who reacted in different ways (Zechariah, Luke 1:11-20; Mary, Luke 1:26-38; and Joseph, Matt 1:18-25). Keith encouraged us to be faithful to God’s promises even when we don’t understand how He will fulfill them.
Mark Wattenbarger
Having Courage in God
Mark followed up with the same theme by examining the life of Joshua. Joshua had been present during all the great works that God did through Moses in redeeming the nation of Israel from Egypt, giving them the Law and Tabernacle service, and providing for them in the wilderness. Nevertheless, it was something else when it became apparent that Joshua, not Moses, would be the one leading the people into the promised land. Both Moses and God told Joshua to “be strong and of a good courage.” Deut 31:7; Josh 1:6; Josh 1:9). Most importantly, Mark pointed out that God further said to Joshua, “Have I not commanded thee?” Mark encouraged us that, just like Joshua, if God commands us to do something, He will most certainly give us the grace and power to carry out His tasks.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 56:55 — 15.7MB)
Mark Wattenbarger
For The Joy Set Before Him (Heb 12: 1-3)
Podcast: Download (Duration: 34:42 — 9.9MB)
This sermon was recorded at
Cornish Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Wilson, OK
Randy McCarthy continues his series on the conscience of man in this sermon by stressing that we should strive to have a good conscience before God and man. Randy makes the point that while men may be informed of right from wrong through the Mosaic law or the natural law, these things merely condemn us and give us no true relief or path to reconciliation when we violate that which we know to be right. It is only through the gospel of Jesus Christ and our repentance and faith in Christ can we be restored and cleansed when we invariably get off track. Randy further shows that even if we strive to have a good, operative conscience before God and man, this is not the entirety of the matter. Disciples of Jesus Christ are called by God to consider the conscience of others, and if necessary, limit our liberty in order to not damage the weak conscience of our brethren because of our love for them. (Heb 9:11-14, Acts 15:1-9, 1 Cor 8:1-13, Mk 7:15, Lk 17:2, 1 Cor 10:23-33, Romans 14:1-19)
Mark Wattenbarger closed out the services by stating that the underlying presupposition for God’s people is that God is our father and has saved us, and we must decide to follow him as Joshua had done in his final words to the nation of Israel (Josh 24:2-15).
“In major things, unity; in minor things, liberty; in all things, charity.”
Podcast: Download (Duration: 59:22 — 16.4MB)
Mark Wattenbarger
Mark speaks of the birth of Christ in relation to Old Testament prophecy.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 38:32 — 10.4MB)
This sermon was recorded at
Cornish Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Wilson, OK
Podcast: Download (Duration: 43:27 — 12.1MB)
Subject: Parable of the Pounds
Text: Luke 19:11-27
Scriptural Reference: John 15:1-2
Mark Wattenbarger
Subject: The True Nature of God
Text: Job 35:1-15
Scriptural References: Job 32:1; Job 13:13; Psalms 16:2; Isaiah 53:6; Isaiah 64:6; Psalms 42:8; Matthew 6:26-33; Phil 4:11; Heb 13:5
Podcast: Download (Duration: 50:30 — 14.0MB)
Trees By The River
Text: Psalms 1
Podcast: Download (Duration: 26:39 — 7.8MB)
This sermon was recorded at
Cornish Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Wilson, OK
Wilson Annual Meeting – 2015
Sunday Morning, October 4
Text: Eze 36:25, John 3, John 6
Podcast: Download (Duration: 49:22 — 14.3MB)
This sermon was recorded at
Cornish Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Wilson, OK
© 2025 Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church of Oklahoma City