The Saints of God

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy




markwMark Wattenbarger

Saints of God

Brother Mark reads from Ephesians and reminds us the most fearsome and the most wondrous name we bear is Saint.  To sanctify ourselves in the service of God is to make our daily lives line up with the sayings of Jesus our Lord.  Brother Mark reminds us from 1 Peter to be vigilant in our lives and in our conduct that we may truly be lively stones in the living Temple of God.

Mark – Being Upside (Part 2)

markwMark Wattenbarger


Note: This is a continuation of the subject from a sermon Elder Mark preached on July 27 “Being Upside Down

Being Upside Down

markwMark Wattenbarger

Brother Mark draws our attention to the Apostle Paul’s trip to Thessalonica. The disciples are accused of turning the world upside down. Brother Mark asks us who really is upside down and when did it start? In our world of heavy media influence, he encourages us to be on guard against thinking which really is upside down, oriented towards the world and putting man first. Instead, let us think uprightly, or right-side up, and glorify our Father in heaven with our thoughts oriented toward God. 

Bill McCarthy5-altBill McCarthy




Redeeming Love

Mark Wattenbarger and Allen Daniels spoke about Redeeming Love.  This was the theme for Harmony Plains Singing School 2014 (51st Session) and its theme text was Romans 5:8-9.


markwMark Wattenbarger

While liberty is precious, the liberty we have in Christ is the most precious of all. We have been freed from the law of sin and death and made free from our bondage to sin through the effectual work of Jesus. Bro Mark recounts the quotation of Jesus from Isaiah 61:1,

“For the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to…proclaim liberty to the captives….”

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Elder Randy continues with the subject of liberty.  He then focuses on “The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard” [Matt 20:1-16], Job, and the equality/fairness of God.


Mark Wattenbarger – June 22

markwMark Wattenbarger




Mark – Appearance of Jesus after the Resurrection

mark w-new_hcMark Wattenbarger

Bro Mark discusses some of the appearances of the Lord Jesus after his resurrection. He notes the women and the two disciples traveling to Emmaus were not believed when they first told the disciples the Lord is alive. However, it did not take much time to convince even Thomas that the Lord is risen indeed!

Luke 24:13-35;  Mark 16:9-14;  John 20:18-29

5th Sunday March – Keith / Mark / Randy

Keith WestKeith West

Topic:  Christianity Portrayal in the Media

Keith discusses how Christianity is portrayed in today’s media, and contrasts two recent films, one of which remains faithful to Scripture and one that does not.  Keith encouraged us to study our bibles diligently so that we will not take false presentations of the Scriptures and believe them to be true, which happens to many in today’s culture.

markwMark Wattenbarger

Topic:  Spiritual Warfare

Mark discussed the spiritual warfare of believers (2 Corinthians 10:4).  There is much in the world with which to disagree.  However, Scripture teaches the Christian does not fight sin and deception in the same manner, and with the same weapons, with which the world fights.  It is a battle for the mind, and every thought should be obedient to God’s will just like our every action.

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Topic:  Luke Chapter 15

Randy presented an overview of Luke 15 including the parables of the lost sheep, the lost silver piece and the prodigal son.  While these parables teach the beauty of God’s grace in His willingness to seek and save that which was lost, Randy stressed that these parables are really about our reaction when God blesses someone else.  We should not be like the resentful older brother, but instead we should rejoice as the angels in heaven do when God extends mercy to a sinner.




Bill McCarthy5-altBill McCarthy introduced services.




markwMark Wattenbarger

Brother Mark takes us through the initial verses of Hebrews Chapter 12 to discuss the life of faith.  Though it may be difficult to define, Scripture teaches us the life of faith is best defined by the actions we take. Abel, Abraham, Sara, Moses, Gideon, and others mentioned in Scripture are our evidence of what faithful lives look like.  But, as the Spirit inspired Paul to write, our highest and best example of living faithful to the will of the Father is Jesus.

Mark – Putting off the Old Life and Putting on the New

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy

Introduction:  Lasciviousness (Lust & Envy);  Jude 1:1-4, 20-21

markwMark Wattenbarger

Subject:  Putting off the Old Life and Putting on the New

Brother Mark focuses on the scriptural teachings surrounding putting off the old life and putting on the new.  God encourages His children to be holy as he is holy.  From the Old to the New Testament, God’s children are exhorted to distinguish between the clean and the unclean and to make their daily lifestyle a reflection of the holiness of their Lord and to set themselves apart from the corrupt world.