Psalm 73

Mark Wattenbarger read and commented from the 73rd Psalm.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

The Just Suffered for the Unjust

Elder Mark Wattenbarger

Tuttle Annual Meeting –  2023
April 9, Sunday Morning



The Existence of God

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about Creation, The Origin of the Universe, and The Existence of God.

Referenced Scriptures: [Genesis 1:1-5, John 1:1-5,14-17, Romans 1:20]

The Existence of God, Creation

Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding

Mark Wattenbarger read from Job chapter 28 and spoke about Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding.

Job 28:28  And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Jeremiah 10

Mark Wattenbarger read from Jeremiah chapter 10 and spoke about Idolatry

Jeremiah 10, Idolatry

The Book of James

Mark Wattenbarger read and commented from the book of James


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Sacrificial Love | Being Perfect in Christ

Randy McCarthy spoke about Sacrificial Love.

Referenced Scriptures: [John 14:15-21,15:11-17, 2nd Samuel chapter 24]

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about Being Perfect in Christ.

Referenced Scriptures: [Colossians 1:9-12,25-28, Ephesians 1:3-7, Hebrews 10:8-14]

Sacrificial Love, perfect in Christ


Mark Wattenbarger spoke about the Benedictions from Numbers chapter 6 and 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 (Numbers 6:22-27, 2Corinthians 13:11-14.


The Book of Ephesians

Mark Wattenbarger read and commented from the book of Ephesians

Referenced Scriptures: [Ephesians 1:3-6,11-13, 2:1-7,14-20, 3:1-6, 4:1,22-24, 5:1-2]


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

The Birth of Christ (Matthew Chapters 1&2)

Mark Wattenbarger read and commented from Matthew chapter 1 about the genealogy and the birth of Christ and compared it to the account in the gospel of Luke. He then moved on to chapter 2 and spoke about the wise men and Herod, while giving a biblical history of Bethlehem.

Referenced Scriptures: [Jeremiah 22:24,26,28-30, Micah 5:2, Genesis 35:16-19, Ruth 4:11-22]


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas