Justice and Atonement

Mark Wattenbarger speaks from Romans 3 and Hebrews 9 preaching on the topic of justice. Brother Mark teaches on the word justice and how God is both just and the justifier of those that believe. Concluding in Hebrews, Brother Mark preaches on the sacrifice of Christ and the full, complete atonement accomplished by Jesus on the cross.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Purpose of the Scriptures

Mark Wattenbarger delivers a message on The Purpose of the Scriptures.

Purpose of the Scriptures


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Because You Are Risen

Mark Wattenbarger begins in Colossians chapter 3 and speaks on how the child of God should think and act because they are risen with Christ. He continues with some thoughts on how our thinking should be captive to Christ and touches on Luke 10:27.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Resurrection | The Lion and the Lamb

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Randy McCarthy read from Revelation chapter 5 and spoke about The Lion and the Lamb.


The Firm Commitment Of Christ

Mark Wattenbarger preaching from John 11 and 12, speaks on the events of the week before the resurrection. In particular, Brother Mark preaches on Christ’s firm and steadfast commitment to fulfilling the purpose of God in laying down His life. Brother Mark concludes by preaching on the resurrection from 1st Corinthians chapter 15.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Cost of Discipleship

Mark Wattenbarger delivers a message on The Cost of Discipleship.

cost of discipleship


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Perspective In Prayer

Mark Wattenbarger preaches this sermon as a continuation of the thoughts introduced earlier at Walnut Valley about keeping a broad view perspective and getting out of the frantic roller coaster of the now. Brother Mark preaches on prayer from Philippians chapter 4 and exhorts the brethren to spend time in prayer and in meditation to refresh our perspective and be moderate in our lives.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Now and the Eternal Point of View

Mark Wattenbarger speaks on the importance of maintaining perspective when troubled and looking at the world with a longer, more eternal view. In this sermon he speaks about how our culture seems to focus on the immediate and neglect the past and future which is a sure recipe for keeping us all frantic.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Excellence of God

Mark Wattenbarger read from Philippians chapter 3 and spoke about The Excellence of God.  He then read from Job chapters 32-36 about “God is Greater than Man”



This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Psalm 86 | Judgement of God

Randy McCarthy read and commented on Psalm 86 and then from 1-Samuel 16 about the anointing of David.

Psalm 86: 11-12  Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.  I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.

Mark Wattenbarger began by reading Psalm 100, then he read and commented on Isaiah chapters 9-12 about the judgement of God.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments.

All Men, Psalm 65