The Advent of Jesus Christ

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Luke Chapter 1 and spoke on The Advent of Jesus Christ giving attention to Zacharias (father of John the Baptist) and Old Testament prophecy.

Advent of Jesus Christ

Interpreting “All Men”? | Psalm 65

Randy McCarthy introduced services reading from 1-Timothy chapter 2 then he read from Romans chapter 5 and spoke on the proper interpretation of the scripture in reference to “All Men”.

Romans 5:18  Therefore as by the offense of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.​

Mark Wattenbarger read and commented on Psalm 65.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments.

All Men, Psalm 65

Ruling Classes

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from 1st Timothy Chapter 2 (1Tim 2:1-4) and 1st Corinthians Chapter 1 (1Cor 1:18-31) and spoke on Ruling Classes.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments

Ruling Classes

Ruling Classes

Randy McCarthy read from 1st Corinthians Chapter 1 (1Cor 1:18-31) and spoke on Ruling Classes.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Communion, Fellowship

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from John chapter 6 and spoke about the Bread of Life.

Allen Daniels spoke about the Communion Service

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about Fellowship and the Foot Washing Service.

communion, fellowship, bread of life, foot washing

John 15 | Restoration & Hope | Mysteries

Randy McCarthy introduced services reading from John chapter 15.

Mark Wattenbarger read from Colossians spoke about Restoration and Hope.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments and spoke on Mysteries

John 15, Restoration, Hope, Mysteries

Love Thy Neighbor

Randy McCarthy and Allen Daniels spoke about Loving One Another.

Love Thy Neighbor

Watch & Pray

Randy McCarthy read from Mark chapter 13 and spoke about Watching & Praying.

God’s Providential Care for His People

Randy McCarthy read from the book of Ezekiel (chapters 1,4 & 11) and spoke about God’s Providential Care for His People.
Allen Daniels gave closing comments.

God's Providential Care, Ezekiel, Idolatry


Ezekiel Chapter 11

Randy McCarthy read and spoke on Ezekiel Chapter 11 .


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas