Sovereignty, Depravity, and Election

Brother David Bass spoke about Sovereignty, Depravity, and Election.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

The Sovereignty of God and the Laws of Nature

Allen Daniels introduced services and spoke about Job.

Mark Hasenmyer spoke about The Sovereignty of God and the Laws of Nature.
He also spoke about election and predestination (Matthew 22: [The Parable of the Marriage Feast / Kingdom of Heaven]).

Matthew 22:14  For many are called, but few are chosen.

Job,Sovereignty of God,Laws of Nature

Sovereignty of God in Election

billmBill McCarthy introduced reading from John chapter 10.  John 10:1-11, Isa. 43:7


markwMark Wattenbarger

The Sovereignty of God in Election

In this message Brother Mark reminds us the sovereignty of God affects the choosing out of God’s children, the doctrine we call election. In Ezekiel, Brother Mark speaks about the will of God as he passed by and declared, “Live!” Our natural state of sin prohibits us from entering in to God’s eternal kingdom but thank God he exercised His sovereignty and adopted us. Eph 1:4-5; Ezek 16:1-6; Genesis 12:1-4; Deut 7:6-9; Rom 9:11-13; John 6:32-44

The Name of God | The Sovereignty of God

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy talks about The Name of God.




markwMark Wattenbarger reminds us the sovereignty of God involves His acts of will especially in the work of salvation.  If God speaks, it stands fast.  Beginning in Psa. 40:5, Brother Mark speaks of the declaration of a sovereign God who says man at his best is vanity. 

Free and Sovereign Grace

allendAllen Daniels – 1 Chronicles 29:10-12; Psalms 115:1-3 

“Long ere the sun began his days, or moon shot forth her silver rays, Salvation’s scheme was fixed, twas done, In covenant by the Three in One.  The Father spake, the Son replied, the Spirit with them both complied. Grace moved the cause for saving man, and wisdom drew the noble plan.”  PBH # 270

“What high displays of Sovereign Grace!” 

Song Reference “Long Ere the Sun (Free Salvation)

The Sovereignty of God | The Book of Malachi

billmBill McCarthy  “I appeal to my brethren, who fill this stand on a regular basis, to bring back that word (Sovereignty of God); we ought to name it (the doctrine) as such.”

Isaiah 55:8-9; Psalms 22:28;  1 Chronicles 29:10-12; Eph 1:11

randyMc_1_cropRandy McCarthy  Malachi 1:1-14

“The Book of Malachi is like a bridge between the Old Testament and the New. It was a time of restoration for God’s people. The Sovereignty of God is set forth greatly in this book. The Book of Malachi is quoted from six times in the New Testament and was a favorite of the Apostle Paul.”