Frustration and Anger

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from the 119th Psalm.  He then read from 1-Samuel chapter 25 and spoke about the death of Samuel and the intervention of Abigail between David and Nabal with a focus topic of Frustration and Anger.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments from Psalm 37.

Frustration and Anger

Spiritual Warfare

Randy McCarthy read about giants in the bible as described in the Old Testament and spoke about Spiritual Warfare.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments comparing David to Jesus Christ.

Spiritual Warfare

Judgement of God | Forgiveness

Randy McCarthy read from 2-Samuel chapter 21 about David and the Gibeonites and spoke about The Judgement of God.

Allen Daniels spoke on Forgiveness.

judgement, forgiveness


Randy McCarthy opened services reading from Psalm 62.  He then spoke on Forgiveness giving reference to Matthew chapter 18 about the parable of the servant with unimaginable debt (10,000 talents of gold) and from 2nd Samuel about the conflicts of David & Solomon with Shimei.


This sermon was recorded at
Oxford Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Oxford,Kansas

Psalm 86 | Judgement of God

Randy McCarthy read and commented on Psalm 86 and then from 1-Samuel 16 about the anointing of David.

Psalm 86: 11-12  Teach me thy way, O Lord; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.  I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.

Mark Wattenbarger began by reading Psalm 100, then he read and commented on Isaiah chapters 9-12 about the judgement of God.

Allen Daniels gave closing comments.

All Men, Psalm 65

Idolatry | Persevering through Tragedy

Randy McCarthy read from Psalm 19 and spoke on Idolatry.

Mark Hasenmyer read from 1-Samuel chapter 22 and spoke on Persevering through Tragedy.

Idolatry, Perservering through Tragedy


The Right Hand of God

Allen Daniels spoke about The Right Hand of God.

The Right Hand of God


The Cause of Truth is Worth Defending

Mark Wattenbarger discusses David’s approach to facing Goliath (1 Sam 17) and his motivation for doing so. David finds the strength to defend Israel in his experience with God’s providence and his trust God will deliver him again. David is moved to stand up against the Philistines because of the cause; the cause of truth which is there is one true and living God who is mighty and powerful and faithful to care for His children. Likewise, Jesus came in to the world for one cause (John 18) to bear witness to the same truth and the truth that He, Jesus, is the Son of the Living God and brings salvation to His children.

This sermon was recorded at
Walnut Valley Primitive Baptist Church
Located in Blanchard, Oklahoma

The Covenant of God

Mark Wattenbarger spoke about the Promises of God.

The Covenant of God

Growth in the Kingdom | The Seed of David

Randy McCarthy opened services reading from 1st Chronicles Chapter 17.  He then went to Matthew Chapter 13 and gave a discourse about “Growth in the Kingdom of God”



Allen Daniels continued from Brother Randy’s introduction from 1st Chronicles Chapter 17.

Subject: The Seed of David
Text: 1 Chron 17:9-14
Scriptural References: Psalms 89:1-4; 15-37; Luke 1:26-35; 46-55; 68-74; Luke 24:25-27; Acts 2:25-36